05 March 2008

my unfinished stories

i've wanted to start a blog for a while now, and as i sit here in my dorm room neglecting the numerous bio psychology notecards sitting next to me, i thought now is as good a time as any.  I must warn you, the contents on this page are hardly anything too noteworthy, fascinating, or spectacular so for the few people that are reading this, i thoroughly appreciate your patience and curiosity.  
I guess I just have some unfinished stories to tell.
I promise to fill this page with as many interesting stories, thoughts, and photos that make up my life as i know it today, and everyday.   i guess this is just a new way of journaling for me, but instead of those used up written pages and ballpoint pens, i am resorting to a self-created webpage with html graphics and a URL.  so here it goes... my new online blog.  wow we really are in the digital age huh?
there is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you
[maya angelou]


Brittany Allen said...

why are you soo cute! with your quotes! ok you need to help me make one of these! LOVE YOU!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read about your adventures!